Pragmatic one-stop-shop solution
1. Sustainability Transition
– Supporting businesses to activate or improve their approach towards a sustainability transformation by aligning the sustainability vision defining a sustainability program based on a risks and maturity assessment. Additionally, the possible funding and financial optimizations of sustainability efforts can be investigated.
2. Non financial reporting
– Supporting businesses to start or to improve their sustainability disclosure, driven by voluntarily or compliancy reasons (NFRD/CSRD). Based on internationally recognized frameworks, the data is gathered and converted. Additional support can be offered to define an improvement program, excecute a benchmark analysis and/or set up a dashboard to continuously follow-up the KPI’s
3 Non financial Assurance
– Supporting businesses to assure their sustainability disclosures by a (independent) third-party. In preparation of an assurance/certification a readiness assessment can be executed. ESG Due diligence can be performed in case of mergers & Acquisitions.
Pragmatic one-stop-shop solution
1. Sustainability Transition
– Supporting businesses to activate or improve their approach towards a sustainability transformation by aligning the sustainability vision defining a sustainability program based on a risks and maturity assessment. Additionally, the possible funding and financial optimizations of sustainability efforts can be investigated.
2. Non financial reporting
– Supporting businesses to start or to improve their sustainability disclosure, driven by voluntarily or compliancy reasons (NFRD/CSRD). Based on internationally recognized frameworks, the data is gathered and converted. Additional support can be offered to define an improvement program, excecute a benchmark analysis and/or set up a dashboard to continuously follow-up the KPI’s
3 Non financial Assurance
– Supporting businesses to assure their sustainability disclosures by a (independent) third-party. In preparation of an assurance/certification a readiness assessment can be executed. ESG Due diligence can be performed in case of mergers & Acquisitions.
Wij adviseren voor de volgende thema's
(Sociale) innovatie Behoorlijk bestuur Betrokken bij de maatschappij Circulaire economie CO2 Consumentenbescherming Deeleconomie Diversiteit en Inclusie Duurzaam aankopen Duurzaam materiaalgebruik Duurzaamheidsverslaggeving Duurzame consumptie Duurzame keten Ecodesign Eerlijke concurrentie Eerlijke handel Energie Gedreven door waarden Geen hinder HR Internationaal ondernemen Klanttevredenheid Klimaatverandering Labels en certificering Lean Mensen- en kinderrechten Meten en weten Mobiliteit MVO integreren in de strategie MVO-communicatie Nieuwe businessmodellen Ontwikkeling van werknemers Organisatieontwikkeling Peer-to-peer Privacy Samenwerkingsverbanden Sociaal ondernemerschap Stakeholders Sustainable Development Goals Transparantie Veilige en gezonde werkplek Werkbaarheid WerknemersbetrokkenheidAdres
de Stassartstraat 35
1050 Brussel